"Children are a gift from the Lord, they are a reward from Him" Psalm127:3

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Avery is 4 Months Old!

It's hard to believe, but our Avery is already 4 months old!  Ted and I both agree that this is a cute, fun age.  We love her big smiles, coos, snuggles, curiosity, and playfulness.  She has changed so much this month.  Not only is she bigger, but she is so much more interactive.  It has been really neat to watch her learn something new every week. 
4 Month Stats....
Weight - 13lbs 15oz (50th percentile)
Length - 24 1/2 inches long (50th percentile)
Wearing 3-6 month clothes
Eating breastmilk only, every 3 hours.  Getting ready to start cereal!
Sleeping through the night... most of the time.
Still sleeping in Mommy and Daddy's room (but hopefully not for long!)
Accomplishments - Great head control, rolling over from tummy to back, sitting when supported, putting weight on feet when standing up, grasping toys in both hands, tracking objects and people, and lots of cooing and babbling!
Favorite Things - Sitting in the bumbo seat and playing with toys, looking in the mirror, playing in the jumperoo even though her feet don't quite reach the floor yet, napping in the bouncer, being held and played with by Mommy and Daddy as well as her Grandparents, and of course nursing and snuggling with Mommy.  Oh, and she loves her pacifier now!  She finally started taking one a few weeks ago, and it has been a lifesaver! 
Enjoy all the new pictures!

1st time in the bumbo!

Such a big girl now!

1st time to eat cereal!

We had a great time!

Hmmm... my bib tastes pretty good!

I got some of it in my mouth...

Talking to Mommy

Playing in the jumperoo

Napping with my paci.... life is good!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Our First Family Photos

Avery will be 4 months old this weekend, and we finally had the opportunity to take some family photos recently.  My sister-in-law Kathy took some pictures of us on Thanksgiving day at my Grandma's house, so here are a few of those.  You can check out her work at  Thanks Kathy!

This past weekend, we had our professional photographer friend, Kelly, take some more pictures of us at a cute little park in Houston.  Here are a few of my favorites.  Check out her work at  Thanks Kelly!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

PawPaw's Girl

Avery had some good PawPaw time on Thanksgiving day.  I thought that these pictures were just priceless, so I had to share!