"Children are a gift from the Lord, they are a reward from Him" Psalm127:3

Friday, December 31, 2010

Reflecting on 2010

As 2010 comes to an end, I find it fun to look back at pictures and postings on my blog, and reflect on the year we've had.  2010 has been a great year... several words come to mind - BUSY, exciting, suprising, and THANKFUL.  Here are some of our highlights from 2010.
 Avery started getting such a cute personality!
 She started eating baby food!
She started sitting up!
I turned 30!
 1st Valentine's Day
 Avery turned 6 months old!  Loved these Tutu pictures!
Celebrating Grandma's 84th Birthday
 Avery started crawling!
 Bluebonnet Pictures.
Avery's 1st Easter!
 Avery was dedicated at church on Mother's Day!
 Avery started pulling up on everything!
Enjoying some pool time!
 Avery started getting into all the drawers!
Ted's 1st Father's Day
 Avery started eating finger/table foods.
 Family Trip to Montanta (Avery's 1st time on a plane!)
 We went to Glacier National Park!
 Avery's 1st time at the beach!
Having fun in Port Aransas.
 Avery turned ONE!!
 1st Birthday Party!
She started WALKING!
Avery spent her very 1st night (actually 3 nights!) away from home!  She had a BLAST at the farm!
 A trip to the pumpkin patch!
1st time to the Fall Festival at church.

We announced to our friends that we were expecting baby #2 in June 2011!
Avery made a BIG announcement... She's going to be a BIG SISTER!
I had my 1st OB appointment and ultrasound for baby #2 at 9 weeks.
I finally reached 12 weeks and slowly started to feel better =)
 Avery's new favorite skill turned into climbing into and onto EVERYTHING! 
 Christmas Party with our Friends
 Avery and her favorite cousins at Christmas. 
 Avery's 2nd Christmas.
Christmas in Houston with all the gang from Kansas and Montana! 
I would say that we had a very BLESSED 2010.  We look forward to 2011 and all that it brings to our growing family. 

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas 2010

Well, another Christmas has come and gone...  This year was special, because Avery was old enough to at least help open some of her gifts, and we were able to spend lots of time with ALL of our family.  I was lucky enough to have plenty of time off of work, so we didn't feel so rushed this year.
Let's see... On December 22nd, we went ahead and did our own little Christmas at home (since Avery doesn't know anything about Santa yet).  Avery got a new backpack and lunchbox for "school," as well as some books and stocking stuffers, and her outdoor playhouse, which she LOVES!  The girl loves to be outside, so this was the perfect gift for her! 
THEN... We headed up to my parent's house to spend a couple of days there.  Avery LOVED all the time with her Grandparents and cousins.  They spent tons of time playing together outside (when the weather cooperated), and in the playroom.  We celebrated Christmas together on the 23rd for lunch.  Avery got lots of new fun toys and cute clothes.  I can't wait to set up her new kitchen at home. 
 Garrett and Courtney with her new coupe!
 Our attempt at getting a cute picture of the kids...
 Daddy and Avery after he shot a deer.
 Mommy and Avery opening stockings.
 Our sweet girl.
 Opening presents by herself after her long nap.
 NaNa and the Grandkids.
On Christmas Eve morning, we drove to Ted's parent's house.  We went out to lunch and then attended an awesome Christmas Eve Service with real animals.  We're talking camels, an elephant, a donkey, and sheep!  We then went back to the house for gumbo, then presents.  It was so nice having everyone there from Kansas and Montana this year.  On Christmas morning we had Grandma's famous coffee rolls, followed by Avery opening her gifts, plus stockings and grab bags. 
 Christmas Eve Service... notice the ELEPHANT!
 Avery opening gifts on Christmas morning.
 Avery's cool Dora tent!
 Eating an apple whole!
 Playing Tri-ominos with Grandma, Sam, and Jennifer
 Silly Girl!
A LOVELY picture of us all on Sunday morning... most of us still in our PJ's.
On the 26th, we headed back to my Grandma's house for Christmas there with my Dad's family.  We ate dinner, visited, and opened gifts.  Everyone was pretty pooped by then, but it was good seeing all the cousins. 
 Opening gifts.
 Riding on the tractor!
 Playing with a fun band gift!
All three kids were pretty pooped... this picture pretty much describes how we all felt at this point! 
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!