"Children are a gift from the Lord, they are a reward from Him" Psalm127:3

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Update on the Girls

It's been a little while since I did an update on the girls.  These past few months have been busy busy busy with work and day to day life.  However, the girls are finally reaching ages that are more enjoyable... not that the past 6 months haven't been enjoyable... they've just been challenging at times!

Avery is now 2 years and 4 months old.  It is a fun time.  She is so smart, more and more independent, loving, affectionate, and she cracks us up on a daily basis.  She LOVES playing dress-up, she is very girly, but also very adventurous and daring.  She loves to sing and read books, she LOVES looking at pictures and videos on my phone, and she LOVES playing with her cousins!  Some of her favorite phrases right now are "Let me do it!"  "I want to see!"  "I want to hold you."  We are just loving the little girl that she is becoming!

Natalie is 6 months old now and is just such a sweet, happy, adorable baby!  She is our little sunshine at the end of a crazy day.  She is so patient, and snuggly, and giggly.  I just love this age!  She can sit up now, she LOVES jumping in her jumperoo, she rolls all over the place, and she loves interacting with everyone... mostly Big Sister Avery.  We just love our little Natalie! 
I feel so incredibly blessed to be the Mommy of these two beautiful girls!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Cute Baby Cousins!

We got all the baby cousins together tonight!  3 babies under the age of 6 months, plus a 2 year old all under one roof!  Fun times!!!  We got some cute pictures of them too!
 How cute is this?!?!  Tanner (12 weeks), Natalie (6 months), and Peyton (5 weeks)
 Avery, Natalie, and Peyton
 Love these babies!
Yah!  Got all 4 of them together!  

Monday, December 5, 2011


Last week, we made the tough, but kindest decision for our sweet dog Shelby.  After nearly 8 years of suffering with an autoimmune disorder that prevented her from producing tears and caused horrible skin allergies, ultimately leading to her being blind and very uncomfortable... we said our goodbyes.  She was a sweet and loving dog.  She was our baby for so many years.  We did what many people could never imagine doing for a dog... trips to Austin to see a doggie Opthamologist and Dermatologist, thousands of dollars on an eye surgery to save an eye, we gave her allergy shots, multiple pills, applied ointment to her eyes ALL day long... Yes, she was a special needs dog... And would we do it all again?.. Probably so... Because that's what you do for your pets that are family.  She will never be forgotten...
Shelby was Cooper's best friend. 

Friday, December 2, 2011

Natalie's Dedication

Last Sunday, Natalie was dedicated at our church.  We were so blessed to have family with us to share in the special day!  Natalie Faith is a child of God, and we are so thankful for our happy little girl, and look forward to watching her accept the Lord into her heart.  Here are some pictures from the day...
 Getting ready to leave for church.
 Our family before church.
 Members of my family attending lunch after church.
 Members of Ted's family after church (Tanner was sleeping)
 Happy Natalie with her Grandpa
 Natalie admiring her NaNa... so sweet!
Avery had fun with the Christmas tree!