It's been 3 weeks since we moved out of our old house and moved in with my parents while our new house is being completed. They graciously took us in, kids, dog, stuff, and all! Besides the commute back and forth, our stay there has really been pretty nice. We have been there during their busiest time of the year, corn harvest, but they have still made time to take great care of us all. The girls and us have really been quite spoiled while staying there. We are anxious to get into our new home, but I'm sure there are plenty of things we are going to miss. From home cooked meals to time spent with family, rides on the gator, cousins laughing and playing together in the pool and sandbox, visiting on the back patio, and help with the girls. It has been much better than we could have ever expected. I think we all will be a little sad to go when it comes to an end this weekend. Cooper has become quite the country dog, the girls will miss their NaNa and Papa and cousins, and I know we will miss all the home cooked meals and help with the girls.... Thank you Mom and Dad for a wonderful stay, we will never forget it!

Bath time is much more fun with cousins!
Courtney is such a good Big Cousin!
Papa and Avery
Avery will make a beautiful bride some day!
Poor NaNa isn't going to have any flowers left!
These 2 are inseparable!
They spent an entire day together and had the BEST time!
Playing in the sand
Nat and Peyton... little twins!
Garrett took Avery on a little drive to show her "farm stuff." Love this cute little picture!
Checking out the combine
Showing her how to drive the tractor
Taking the jeep for a spin
She looks so tiny on this giant tractor
It's not hard to miss God's great creation when you live out on a farm. From the beautiful sunsets, to the cool evening breeze, to the birds chirping, horses talking...