"Children are a gift from the Lord, they are a reward from Him" Psalm127:3

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Avery is 6 weeks old!

Avery is 6 weeks old today and growing like crazy! It's hard for us to believe that we already have a 6 week old girl. She has really brought joy to our lives, and we just adore her! Life as we knew it has really changed... but that's okay. We are adjusting well, and enjoying every minute of it. Avery continues to eat very well, and her chubby cheeks and little belly show it! She is probably close to 9lbs and about to outgrow her newborn clothes. She is starting to make more eye contact and she smiles spontaneously. She is also starting to hold her head up for brief periods. She is sleeping more at night, and even went 6 1/2 hours one night! But her usual eating schedule is about every 3 hours during the day, and every 4 hours at night... which we are still happy about. She really enjoys stroller rides and car rides, and will tolerate her swing for about 5 minutes. She still loves her bouncer chair. As she gets bigger and older, we have ventured out of the house more. She has went on a few little errands, went out to the farm twice, and even went to our friend's houses for a few hours. She has met some of her little friends, but they are all at least a year older than she is... so it will be a little while before she can join in on the fun... and we can't wait!!! I have attempted to take some pictures over the past week, but Avery does not always like to cooperate. So, here's what we ended up with. Enjoy!

Hanging out on my boppy pillow... life is good.

Nap time in my crib.

5 1/2 weeks old

Hanging out in my bouncer...

Ahhh... Napping on Daddy.

6 weeks old - finally getting to wear my going home outfit.

OK... I'm done with pictures!

I mean it Mommy... no more pictures!!!

6 weeks old - Our little purple flower.

Cute Outfit from Nana Wiethorn


  1. I LOVE all the new pictures! Kaiden can't wait to play with Avery too, he loves her already =) The purple flower outfit is so cute!
