"Children are a gift from the Lord, they are a reward from Him" Psalm127:3

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

14 Week Appointment

I had an appointment with my OB (Dr. Kohl-Thomas) today. It was a quick appointment, so Ted didn't go with me for this one. I got to hear the heart beat with the doppler for the first time, which was such a relief. It was about 156 beats/minute. Everything looked great. My labs from last time were perfect, except I will be getting the Rhogam shot since I am Rh-negative (which I already knew). They wanted to go ahead and set up all of my OB appointments, so I now have everything set up through the beginning of September. My next appointment will be April 15th. I will also have my ultrasound that day, so we'll know in about 5 weeks or so whether we get to start shopping for pink or blue!
I am feeling great right now. The past 2 weeks have been wonderful. I basically feel "normal." No more nausea or feeling tired. YAH!!!! I'm still wearing my own clothes, just looser shirts. It won't be long though!
Until next time....